Semiphoras and Schemhamphoras (1686)
Invocation of Angels
Oh ye aforesaid angels, ye that execute the commands of the Creator, be willing to be present with me in the work which I have undertaken at this time, and help me to finish it, and be ye my attentive hearers and assistants, that the honor of God and my own welfare may be promoted. [Amen.]
Over this there are twenty-eight angels who rule over the twenty-eight houses of the moon, viz: Asariel, Cabiel, Dirachiel, Scheliel, Amnodiel, Amixiel, Ardesiel, Neriel, Abdizriel, Jazeriel, Cogediel, Ataliel, Azerniel, Adriel, Amutiel, Iciriel, Bethuael, Geliel, Requiel, Abrunael, Ariel, Tagried, Abheiel, [and] Amnixiel. And each moon has her own guardian and ruler, and these are described in Rasiel [Sixth Book Physicum Solomonis and Elementia Magica Petri de Alano].
A man must also know how to divide the months, days, and hours into four parts, for God has ordained that all things can best be perfected on suitable days and at proper hours.
The angels placed over the four parts of heaven are Scamijm, Gabriel, Cabrael, Adrael, Madiel, Boamiel, Alscius, Loquel, Zaniel, Hubaiel, Baccanael, Janael, Carpatiel, Elael, Unael, Wallum, Vasans, Hiaijiel, Usera, Staijel, Ducaniel, Baabiel, Barquiel, Hannu, Anael, [and] Nahijmel.
In the second heaven, Raaquin, the following angels serve: Nathan, Catroije, Betaabat, Yeseraije, Yuacon, Thiel, Jareael, Yanael, Venctal, Vebol, Abuionij, Vetameil, Milliel, Nelepa, Baliel, Calliel, Holij, Batij, [and] Jeli.
There are also, over the four quarters of the globe, four high angels:
- Over the morning winds, Michael rules;
- over the evening winds, Raphael rules;
- over the midnight winds, Gabriel rules;
- over the noonday winds, Nariel (or Uriel) rules.
The angels of the elements are:
- Of the air, Cherub;
- of the earth, Ariel;
- of the water, Tharsis;
- of the fire, Seruph (or Nathaniel).
These are all great princes and each has many legions of angels under him. They have great power in governing their planets, times, signs of the year, months, days, and hours, and in their part of the world and wind.
In the third heaven, Saaquin, the angels are Sarquiel, Qnadissu, Caraniel, Tariescorat, Amael, Husael, Turiel, Coniel, Babiel, Kadie, Maltiel, Hufaltiel, Faniel, Pencal, Penac, Raphael, Carniel, Deramiel, Porna, Saditel, Kyniel, Samuel, Vascaniel, [and] Famiel.
In the fourth heaven, Machonon, the Angel of the Divisions serves Capiel, Beatiel, Baciel, Raguel, Altel, Fabriel, Vionatraba, Anahel, Papliel, Uslael, Burcat, Suceratos, [and] Cababili.
In the fifth heaven, Mathey aly Machon, the following Angels serve in the four divisions: Friagne, Cnael, Damoel, Calzas, Arragon, Lacana, Astrgna, Lobquin, Sonitas, Jael, Jasiael, Naei, Rahumiel, Jahijniel, Baijel, Seraphiel, Mathiel, Serael, Sacriel, Maianiel, Gadiel, Hosael, Vianiel, [and] Erastiel.
In the sixth heaven, Zebul, and seventh, Arabath, over the fifth heaven.
Should no Spiritus Aeris or divisions be found, then pronounce, in the direction of the four quarters of the world, the following words:
Oh great exalted and adored God, from all eternity. Oh wise God, day and night I pray unto Thee, oh most merciful God, that I may complete my work today and that I may understand it perfectly. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thou that livest and reignest, true God from eternity to eternity. Oh strong God, mighty and without end. Oh powerful and merciful God.
On Saturday, call upon God in the words which he gave in Paradise, in which is the name of God:
Oh holy and merciful God of Israel, the highest terror and fear of Paradise, the Creator of Heaven and Earth . . . (etc., as before)
Quere hoc signum.
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