Semiphoras and Schemhamphoras (1686)
The Nine Choirs of Angels Divide Theology into Three Hierarchies
In the first hierarchy are the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Throni. These, more than celestial spirits, are called gods or the sons of the gods because they continually behold the order of divine providence. Being foremost in the goodness of God, they praise Him unceasingly and pray for us; the second, in the being of God, according to form; and the third, in the wisdom of God, stand continually before God.
In the middle hierarchy are the Dominationes, Potestates, [and] Virtutes as spirits of intelligence to rule the whole world. The first command what the others perform. The second steer that which interfere with the laws of God. The third oversee the heavens and occasionally perform great wonders. These six orders of spirits are never sent upon the earth.
In the lower hierarchy are the Principatus, Archangeli et angeli, which are ministering spirits to oversee earthly affairs.
The first, in general, provide for princes and magistrates, and care for kingdoms and countries, each in his own especial sphere, as Moses declares in his song (Deut. xxxii, 8): "When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel." And Daniel says (x. 13): "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days. And Jesus Sirach bears witness, that each nation has its angel as a director." Therefore did the Romans at all times invite the angel of their country.
The second are engaged in divine affairs, institute and regulate the worship of God among all men, and present the prayers, offerings, end piety of men to God.
The third order all things of minor importance, and each one is appointed as a protector to every man.
For this reason the fourth hierarchy are added to the former as the souls of heavenly bodies -- Animae Corporum Colestium, the souls of Hervos, vel Heroas, and of the Martyrum. They first control the light and the influence of the strong so that their power may proceed from God to the lower regions. The second are the chosen souls of the redeemed. The third are the souls of the innocent martyrs and followers of God who offered up their lives, amid pain and suffering, out of love to God.
Since God the Father gave to the Son -- our Mediator, Savior, and Redeemer -- all power in heaven and on earth, and the angels of the great name of God and Jesus, which is the firstmight in God, it flows accordingly into the twelve angels and twelve signs, through which it spreads into the seven planets and, as a natural consequence, into all other servants and instruments of God, until it penetrates into the lower regions, so that even an insignificant herb may develop a peculiar power, even if if is decayed, and so the angel of man appears before God at all times, bearing his prayers into his presence.
Without the name of Jesus the old Hebrew cabalists can accomplish nothing in the present day, with [the] old arts as they were used by the[ir] Fathers. Therefore it is that all creatures fear and honor him. All men who believe in him are enlightenid through his brightness, our souls are united with him, and the divine power emanating from him is communicated to us.
Of the Movement of the Heavenly Powers