Suggested Reading List
The following is a list of books that are invaluable to serious students of the occult, either to read cover to cover or just to have on hand as a reference. Some may be out of print, but since all are still protected under copyright, none can be reproduced on this site. This list is in no way complete and will be continuously updated.
Amulets and Magic [alt. Amulets and Superstition]
The Cipher of Genesis
The Complete Books of Charles Fort
Hamlet's Mill
Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena
A History of God
A History of Pi
The Lost Books of the Bible
The Magus
The Magician's Companion
The Nag Hammadi Library in English
Occult Geometry and Hermetic Science of Motion and Number
The Secret Teachings of All Ages
777 and Other Cabalistic Writings
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
The White Goddess