Arbatel de Magia Veterum (1575)
Isagoge: The Third Septenary of Aphorisms: The Olympick Spirits
Aphorism 15
They are called Olympick spirits, which do inhabit in the firmament
and in the stars of the firmament, and the office of these spirits
is to declare Destinies and to administer fatal Charms, so far
forth as God pleaseth to permit them, for nothing, neither evil
spirit nor evil Destiny, shall be able to hurt him who hath the
most High for his refuge. If therefore any of the Olympick
spirits shall teach or declare that which his star to which he
is appointed portendeth, nevertheless he can bring forth nothing
into action, unless he be permitted by the Divine power. It is
God alone who giveth them power to effect it. Unto God the maker
of all things are obedient all things celestial, sublunary, and
infernal. Therefore rest in this: Let God be thy guide in all
things which thou undertakest and all things shall attain to
a happie and desired end, even as the history of the whole world
testifieth and daily experience sheweth. There is peace to the
godly: "There is no peace to the wicked," saith the Lord.
Aphorism 16
There are seven different governments of the Spirits of Olympus by whom God hath appointed the whole frame and universe of this
world to be governed, and their visible stars are Aratron, Bethor,
Phaleg, Och, Hagith, Ophiel, [and] Phul, after the Olympick speech.
Every one of these hath under him a mighty militia in the
- Arathon ruleth visible Provinces XLIX.
- Bethor, XLII.
- Phaleg, XXXV.
- Och, XXVIII.
- Hagith, XXI.
- Ophiel, XIIII.
- Phul, VII.
so that there are 186 Olympick Provinces in the whole Universe, wherein the seven Governours do exercise their power, all [of] which
are elegantly set forth in Astronomy. But in this place it is
to be explained in what manner these Princes and Powers may he
drawn into communication.
Aratron appeareth in the first
hour of Saturday, and very truely giveth answers concerning
his Provinces and Provincials. So, likewise, do the rest appear
in order in their days and hours. Also, everyone of them ruleth
490 years. The beginning of their simple Anomaly -- in the
60[th] year before the Nativity of Christ -- was the beginning of the
administration of Bethor and it lasted until the yeer
of our Lord Christ, 430. To whom succeeded Phaleg, until
the [year] 920; then began Och; and continued until the year
1410, and thenceforth Hagith ruleth until the year 1900.*
*We are currently in the Year of Ophiel; Phul will begin to rule in 2391 a.d.
Aphorism 17
Magically, the Princes of the seven Governments are called simply -- in that time, day, and hour wherein they rule visibly or invisibly -- by their Names and Offices which God hath given unto them, and
by proposing their Character which they have given or confirmed.
The governor Aratron hath in his power those
things which he doth naturally; that is, after the same manner
and subject as those things which in Astronomy are ascribed to
the power of Saturn.
Those things which he doth of his own freewill, are:
- That he can convert any thing into a stone in a moment, either
animal or plant, retaining the same object to the sight;
- He converteth treasures into coles, and coles into treasure;
- He giveth familiars with a definite power;
- He teacheth Alchymy, Magick, and Physick;
- He reconcileth the subterranean spirits to men [and] maketh hairy
- He causeth one to be invisible;
- The barren he maketh fruitful, and giveth long life.
His character:
He hath under him 49 Kings, 42 Princes, 35 Presidents, 28 Dukes,
21 Ministers; standing before him, 14 familiars, seven messengers;
he commandeth 36,000 legions of spirits (the number of a legion is 490).
Bethor governeth those things which are
ascribed to Jupiter: he soon cometh being called. He that
is dignified with his character, he raiseth to very great dignities,
to cast open treasures; he reconcileth the spirits of the aire,
that they give true answers, they transport precious stones from
place to place, and they make medicines to work miraculously in
their effects; he giveth also familiars of the firmament, and
prolongeth life to 700 years, if God will.
His character:
He hath under him 42 Kings, 35 Princes, 28 Dukes, 21 Counsellors,
14 Ministers, 7 Messengers, [and] 29,000 legions of Spirits.
Phaleg ruleth those things which are attributed to Mars, the Prince of Peace. He that hath his character he raiseth to great honours in warlike affaires.
His character:
Och governeth solar things; he giveth 600 yeares, with perfect health; he bestoweth great wisdom, giveth the most
excellent Spirits, teacheth perfect Medicines; he converteth all
things into most pure gold and precious stones; he giveth gold,
and a purse springing with gold; he that is dignified with his
Character, he maketh him to be worshipped as a Deity, by the Kings
of the whole world.
His character:
He hath under him 36,536 Legions; he administreth all things alone,
and all his spirits serve him by centuries.
Hagith governeth Venereous things. He
that is dignified with his Character, he maketh very fair, and
to be adorned with all beauty; he converteth copper into gold,
in a moment, and gold into copper; he giveth spirits which do
faithfully serve those to whom they are addicted.
His character:
He hath 4,000 Legions of Spirits, and over every thousand he ordaineth
Kings for their appointed seasons.
Ophiel is the governor of such things as are
attributed to Mercury.
His Character is this:
His Spirits are 100,000 Legions; he easily giveth Familiar Spirits;
he teacheth all Arts; and he that is dignified with his Character,
he maketh him to be able, in a moment, to convert Quicksilver into
the Philosopher's Stone.
Phul hath this Character:
He changeth all metals into silver, in word and deed; governeth
Lunary things; healeth the dropsie; he giveth spirits of the water,
who do serve men in a corporeal and visible form; and maketh men
to live 300 years.
The most general Precepts of this Secret.
- Every Governor acteth with all his Spirits, either naturally,
to wit, always after the same manner, or otherwise of their own
freewill, if God hinder them not.
- Every Governor is able to do all things which are done naturally
in a long time, out of matter before prepared, and also to do
them suddenly, out of matter not before prepared. As Och,
the Prince of Solar things, prepareth gold in the mountains in
a long time, in a less time, by the Chymical Art, and Magically,
in a moment.
- The true and divine Magician may use all the creatures of God,
and offices of the Governors of the world, at his own will, for
that the Governors of the world are obedient unto them, and come
when they are called, and do execute their commands. But God is
the Author thereof, as Joshua caused the Sun to stand still
in heaven.
They send some of their Spirits to the Mean Magicians, which do
obey them only in some determinate business, but they hear not
the false Magicians, but expose them to the deceits of the devils,
and cast them into divers dangers, by the Command of God, as the
Prophet Jeremiah testifieth, in his eighth Chapter, concerning
the Jews. [More accurately, concerning those among the Jews who used magick for earthly gains, not spiritual attainment.]
- In all the elements there are the seven Governors with their
hosts, who do move with the equal motion of the firmament, and
the inferiors do always depend upon the superiors, as it is
taught in Philosophy.
- A man that is a true Magician is brought forth a Magician
from his mother's womb. Others, who do give themselves to this
office, are unhappie. This is that which John the Baptist
speaketh of: "No man can do anything of himself, except it
be given him from above."
- Every Character given from a Spirit, for what cause soever, hath
his efficacie in this business, for which it is given, in the
time prefixed, but it is to be used the same day and Planetary
hour wherein it is given.
- God liveth, and thy soul liveth: Keep thy Covenant and thou
hast whatsoever the spirit shall reveal unto thee in God, because
all things shall be done which the Spirit promiseth unto thee.
Aphorism 18
There are other names of the Olympick Spirits delivered
by others, but they only are effectual, which are delivered to
anyone, by the Spirit the revealer, visible or invisible, and
they are delivered to everyone as they are predestinated. Therefore,
they are called Constellations and they seldome have any efficacie
above 40 years. Therefore, it is most safe for the young practisers
of Art, that they work by the offices of the Spirits alone, without
their names, and if they are pre-ordained to attain the Art of
Magick, the other parts of the Art will offer themselves unto
them of their own accord. Pray therefore for a constant faith,
and God will bring to pass all things in due season.
Aphorism 19
Olympus and the inhabitants thereof do, of their own accord,
offer themselves to men in the forms of Spirits and are ready
to perform their Offices for them, whether they will or not -- by
how much the rather will they attend you, if they are desired?
But there do appear also evil Spirits and destroyers, which is
caused by the envy and malice of the devil and because men do
allure and draw them unto themselves with their sin, as a punishment
due to sinners. Whosoever therefore desireth familiarly to have
a conversation with Spirits, let him keep himself from enormous sins and diligently pray to the most High to be his keeper, and he shall break through all the snares and impediments of the devil; and let him apply himself to the service of God, and he
will give him an increase in wisdom.
Aphorism 20
All things are possible to them that believe them and are willing
to receive them, but to the incredulous and unwilling, all things
are unpossible: There is no greater hinderance then a wavering
minde, levity, unconstancy, foolish babbling, drunkenness, lusts,
and disobedience to the word of God. A Magician therefore ought
to be a man that is godly, honest, constant in his words and deeds,
having a firm faith toward God, prudent, and covetous of nothing
but of wisdom about divine things.
Aphorism 21
When you would call any of the Olympick Spirits, observe
the rising of the Sun that day, and of what nature the Spirit
is which you desire, and saying the prayer following, your desires
shall he perfected:
Omnipotent and eternal God, who hast ordained the whole creation
for thy praise and glory, and for the salvation of man, I beseech
thee that thou wouldst send thy Spirit [N.N.] of the solar order,
who shall inform and teach me those things which I shall ask of
him; or, that he may bring me medicine against the dropsie [etc.].
Nevertheless, not my will be done, but thine, through Jesus Christ,
thy only begotten Son, our Lord. Amen.
But thou shalt not detain the Spirit above a full hour, unless
he be familiarly addicted unto thee.
Forasmuch as thou camest in peace, and quietly, and hast answered
unto my petitions, I give thanks unto God, in whose Name thou
camest, and now thou mayest depart in peace unto thy orders and
return to me again when I shall call thee by thy name or by thy
order or by thy office, which is granted from the Creator. Amen.
Ecclesiast. Chap. 5: "Be not rash with thy mouth, neither let
thy heart be hasty to utter anything before God, for God is in
Heaven, and thou on earth; therefore, let thy words be few, for
a dream cometh through the multitude of business."
See also the primer on Amulets and Charms.
The Seven Secrets